Architectural and Artistic Heritage Xa Tón Pagoda (Xvayton) Tri Tôn Town - Tri Tôn District

Tuesday - 23/07/2024 23:34


        Tri Tôn is a mountainous district with a significant population of Khmer ethnic people, who are distributed evenly across its communes and the town of Tri Tôn. Xvayton Pagoda is one of the Khmer pagodas located right in the center of the district center. To visit this historical site from Long Xuyên City, there are two routes: either from Long Xuyên to Lộ Tẻ and then following provincial road 941 straight to Tri Tôn, or from Long Xuyên to Châu Đốc and then to Tri Tôn. Both car and motorcycle are convenient means of transport.

        The name of the pagoda has an interesting origin. According to local stories, the area was once wild and dense, with sparse human habitation. Large groups of monkeys used to swing from the tall trees, sometimes teasing passersby. The Khmer people chose this place to build the pagoda and named it Xvayton (where "Xvay" means monkey and "Ton" means pull), leading to the name Xvayton, which the local people pronounce as Xà-Tón.According to records and accounts from the monks, Xvayton Pagoda was established a very long time ago. Initially, the pagoda was built on the ground, made of wood and thatched with simple leaves. Over time, it has undergone several renovations but has always remained in its original location. In 1896, the pagoda began its reconstruction into the solid structure that stands to this day.

        Similar to all Khmer Theravada Buddhist temples in the Mekong Delta in general, and in Tri Tôn District in particular, Xvayton Pagoda features architectural motifs common to this tradition. The heritage site of Xvayton Pagoda is characterized by its sharp roof and doubled curved roofs. Atop the main pagoda tower is the structure of the Naga serpent god, symbolizing immortality and strength. The temple’s roof is constructed in a three-tiered design with red, green, and yellow tiles, creating a visually appealing effect. Surrounding the main hall is a fence of small towers used to store the ashes of cremated deceased individuals. From a distance, these towers resemble soldiers standing guard day and night over the invaluable pagoda. The tops of these towers are adorned with statues of the four-faced Bayon god (the god of Creation).

        Inside the main hall, there is a large statue of Buddha Shakyamuni on a high pedestal. The walls around the hall are painted with numerous stories about Buddha Shakyamuni, depicted with unique and intricate details by Khmer artists. The supporting columns are also decorated with dragon and cloud motifs, and the ceiling is painted with various images of birds, clouds, flowers, and leaves, all executed by Khmer artists in a distinctive style.

        Annually, Xvayton Pagoda hosts the following festivals:

        1/ Chol Chnam Thmay Festival: This is the Khmer New Year festival, similar to the Lunar New Year for the Kinh people. It is celebrated on April 13th, 14th, and 15th.

        2/ Pisat Bochia Festival: This festival is to honor the Buddha and is held on the full moon day of the 4th lunar month.

        3/ Chol Cà Sa Festival: During this festival, the monks are prohibited from leaving the temple for three months. It begins on the full moon day of the 6th lunar month and ends on the full moon day of the 9th lunar month.

        4/ Pha Chun Benh Festival (also known as Donta Festival): This is the festival for honoring ancestors, lasting for three days from the 1st to the 3rd of the 8th lunar month. During this time, people bring offerings such as sticky rice cakes, fruits, and meals to the temple to express gratitude to the deceased and to pray for blessings for themselves and their families.

        5/ Offering Robes Festival: This festival involves providing monks with new clothes and necessary items for the temple or village school.

        In addition to these festivals with specific dates, there are other unspecified festivals. Typically, the Khmer people visit the temple on the 5th, 8th, 15th, 20th, 25th, and 30th days of the lunar calendar.

Located in the center of the town, Xvayton Pagoda was not affected by the devastation of war during the struggle for independence or the Southwestern border war. Therefore, the pagoda retains its original structure and continues to attract many visitors and local people for worship. The architectural and artistic heritage of Xvayton Pagoda was classified by the Ministry of Culture and Information according to Decision No. 235/VH-QĐ dated December 12, 1986.

Author: admin

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